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Wedding of Natalie Feldman and Benjamin Zagorsky

The wedding is on March 4th, 2018 in Half Moon Bay, CA.


If you want to stay in Half Moon Bay, the best option is the The Half Moon Bay Lodge. It's right next to the Ritz, but nowhere near as expensive.

If you would prefer to stay in Palo Alto, here are some recommendations: Creekside Inn, The Zen Hotel, and Coronet Motel.

Keep in mind that Palo Alto is about an hour's drive away from Half Moon Bay. If you are staying in Palo Alto, make sure to check the traffic the morning of the wedding.

If you are shomer shabbos, feel free to email Robin Feldman (Natalie's mother) about places to stay. Her email is: robinfeldman[at]


The best way to get to Half Moon Bay is to drive. Please carpool if you can!

Carpooling spreadsheet.

If you will have extra space in your car please put yourself on the spreadsheet.

If you need a ride, please email one of the people on the spreadsheet.